December 27, 2020

Workout and Wellness Guide for Paddlers

As summer fades into fall and inevitably into winter, many of us put away the canoeskayaks, and summer outdoor gear for a cold winter nap. Even though our summer gear lies dormant, that doesn't mean we should.

We partnered with CrossFit Bangor to provide some helpful fitness and nutrition tips to help keep you healthy and feeling great throughout the year and ready for when it's time to get back out on the water.

You should consider talking to your doctor before beginning any high-intensity exercise program or if you have concerns about how a new exercise regimen could affect your health.

Three Pillars of Fitness for Paddlers

According to Melinda Metten, owner of CrossFit Bangor, living a healthy, balanced life consists of three equally important pillars: mental health, physical ability, and nutrition. Let's take a look at each fitness pillar.

Mental Health

Though all three pillars are equally important when trying to live a balanced life, it starts with your mind. When considering mental health as a pillar of wellness, Mel Metten describes your mind's training as leaning in and "learning to overcome things that we don't think we can achieve" by "being comfortable being uncomfortable."

Though it seems counterintuitive to cause yourself discomfort, Metten suggests that being disciplined mentally to stay active and eat good food creates a healthy, habit-forming domino effect. 

Physical Activity

Does this mean that everyone should join their local gym? Though joining a good gym can help accomplish your fitness goals, it is not necessary. The most important thing is to stay moving and active, whether it's working out at a gym with equipment, at home with your body weight, or even just getting outside for a daily walk.

"Mobility is important for everything that we do. From the moment we wake up in the morning and put shoes on our feet, to paddling, to playing in the backyard with our kids," says Metten. The key is to stay in motion.

As on-water enthusiasts, there are things that we can do throughout the year, especially in the "off-season," to stay in shape, whether you have access to gym equipment or not. Canoeing, kayaking, boating, and on-water activities share many common movements that you find in everyday life. If not conditioned, these movements open us up to the risk of injury when exerted. 

In the Mobility and Strength Training videos, coaches Amanda Kinney and Karl Metten show us common lifts and bodyweight exercises. You can do these exercises and lifts anytime and anywhere to help condition our bodies for the movements we experience while on the water. 


It is common knowledge that you can expect poor performance if you put bad gas in your vehicle's tank. The same is true with our bodies and is precisely why the third pillar of fitness, nutrition, is equally important. "Nutrition is key to health in general," says Michele Netzler, General Manager and Nutrition Specialist for CrossFit Bangor, "but it is absolutely the key when you're talking about recovery or trying to sustain your energy." 

Eating right can feel intimidating or daunting. But it doesn't have to be. Rather than suffering through another fad diet, Netzler suggests the "plate method," striving to eat "well, balanced meals consisting of a little bit of everything. A combination of proteins, carbs, and fat will sustain you for any activity you are doing."

Whether you're a tournament angler or you are out on a long adventure, where packing a full meal isn't an option, Netzler suggests taking along nutritious, easy-to-pack snacks. Snacks such as nuts and seeds, cheese, beef jerky, bell peppers, cucumbers, and apples for the protein, fat, and hint of sugar you need.

Lastly, hydration is a vital part of the nutrition pillar. A well-hydrated body sleeps better, recovers from exertion quicker, and delivers the nutrients from the food you eat to your cells. Drinking sufficient water helps your organs to function properly and keeps your joints well lubricated, reducing achiness. To learn more about CrossFit Bangor's nutrition coaching, click here. 

Living a healthy, balanced life throughout the year is an essential aspect of enjoying your life and time on the water to its fullest. For at-home workouts and meal planning ideas, visit See you on the water!